script to show all files with disk usage sizes
Normally to get the disk usage of a folder you use get properties on the rightclick or similar. However there are hidden files starting with . in their name that you can get info on, only in the terminal, using the du -sh command. If you have hundreds of them (which you do!) this becomes tedious. The following script gives you a directory listing with the files all indicated in file sizes and highlights on files of megabytes or gigabytes in size. #!/bin/bash # Set Internal Field Separator to handle spaces in filenames IFS=$'\n' # Loop through all files and directories for i in $(/bin/ls -A); do size=$(du -sh "$i" | awk '{print $1}') # Apply colors: bold for MB, bright bold for GB case "$size" in *M) color="\e[1m" ;; # Bold for Megabytes *G) color="\e[1;97m" ;; # Br...